Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Bon Voyage, Cats!

The cats have been picked up by their relocation company, and now all evidence that they lived here has disappeared. I'm not even sure if Penny has noticed their absence since she has been home from daycare.

Speaking of which, her last day is tomorrow. She's actually become quite the little ringleader of the little posse at times there - the three girls and a slightly younger boy. Her teacher told me today, she started "flying" around the room and all the other kids had to do it too. We are really going to miss her very homey daycare setting, and I can only hope that she will feel like she belongs just as much in the new one. 

I'm still having issues with the online forms for our shipping crate, so hopefully that will get sorted out soon. Moving overseas is full of boring paperwork and communications tasks.

We only have two sleeps left before we leave on a jetplane. 

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