Monday, November 25, 2019

The End...?

We are officially back in the USA. Our Australian Experiment has ended, for now. Does that mean this blog is completely done? No. Does it mean I won't post very often? Yes. For now it will remain on hiatus, unless I find something relevant to our dual citizen-ness to post. Was the experiment a success? I conclude there were positive results. We came back with more passports than we left with. 

We are adjusting to being back; we have been back for three days. The weather is crap compared to Sydney, but the air is currently much cleaner and not full of smoke. We are making progress on our jetlag, but we're not there yet. So far, we have spent time with family and seen some friends. It's been nice. It seems like some things have changed, like traffic patterns at familiar intersections, or a few people have had kids or bought homes, and now when we drive by the Capitol building, we think, "That's where the impeachment hearing is happening. Right now". The core stuff is mostly the same, though. 

The same technology that helped us keep in touch with our USA people is now what helps us keep in touch with our Australia people. A work colleague of Michael's predicted we will move back to Australia in 5-7 years. I suppose time will tell.

To be continued... ?

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