Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Penelope was weighed today and she's actually about 3.2kg now. That means she now weighs about half a kilo more than she did at birth (after going down about 6% of her birth weight, which is within the normal range of what happens in the first few days). They also checked her length and she has grown 4cm since being born less than three weeks ago. When you think about that amount of growth, and the percentage of what that is to what she was, that's kind of crazy. 

Some days are relatively easy and some days are tough, depending on how needy Penelope's acting - how often she's feeding and how long for, how fussy she's feeling if she hasn't slept in several hours or sleeping really well, how much help I have from Michael or friends, etc. It's a crap shoot. For about the first two months, I'm told, she won't really follow a consistent schedule. 

Today was a good day, after yesterday being more challenging. Michael worked from home, so even though he was preoccupied doing work for most of the day, he could take care of her for a few minutes here or there if I needed to do something. I was also able to cook two tortilla Espanolas while Penelope was sleeping, and while Michael was on a work call. Then we were able to eat at the same time too, which was kind of a small miracle. Often, PJ is awake around dinner and we have to tag team cooking and eating.

I'm okay with all of it being a crap shoot for now (it's easy to say after one of the good days). This face is worth it.

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