Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Another Day, Another Mass Shooting

And just after my recent post about how there are enough scary and terrible things happening in the world, another worst mass shooting ever happens in the US.

So many intelligent and reasonable people have said it a multitude of times, there is no reason for a private citizen to have access to any automatic or semi-automatic weapons, much less many of them. I vote for politicians who propose common-sense gun legislation. I contact them even after they're elected to make sure they know that I, as a constituent, see this as one of the important issues right now that needs to be addressed. Despite that, despite men, women, and children being killed constantly by guns in the US, nothing gets done to prevent it. I'm sick of it. 

This slippery slope argument about how any common sense laws are tantamount to the government taking away all our rights is the biggest load of garbage. Everyday, my right and the rights of millions of Americans to feel safe in a public place or even my own home is taken away because who knows when anyone will just show up with a semi-automatic weapon anywhere? The argument that more guns make us safe is also garbage, since it has been proven over and over again that areas with more access to guns have more gun deaths. Also, there were people at the concert in Las Vegas that had concealed carry guns with them that were useless during the type of assault that happened. The argument that, "outlaws will still have guns" is garbage too, since most of these mass shootings are performed by people who acquire their weapons legally. If five outlaws have some guns, we're still all literally safer than if thousands of people having them legally. 

I've brought up many times how Australia dealt with this exact issue, they severely cut back on the number of guns owned by individuals, and gun deaths went down dramatically. There hasn't been a mass shooting in the whole country in years. They are a nation that is very similar to the US in a lot of ways, and if they can do it and it can work here, it can work in the states. They haven't completely eliminated gun ownership, but they put in place COMMON SENSE LAWS. The US government continues to ignore the facts, and it disgusts me. 

When teens died at Columbine, we were all shocked. When children died at Sandy Hook I was disgusted. When people died at the Pulse night club, I was saddened. Hearing about Las Vegas now sickens me. These are all senseless tragedies that could have been prevented, and everyone who continues not to act for prevent them in some way is part of the problem and is responsible. It shouldn't have to take personal or family loss for more people to get involved to stop this violence. Every one of these events could have happened in any American city or town. 

I do what I can, from how I am involved in democracy, to how I try to educate the next generation in better ways to solve their problems than violence. My conscience is clear. 

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