Friday, September 29, 2017

Good Old Days

Since "Glorious" came out, I've been on a Macklemore kick. I just stumbled onto this new corny, sappy, nostalgic one, and it just hit me in the right mood. 

When I think back to when I was 10 or 15 or 20 years younger, there were some good times. There are some friends and moments I miss. But, I really think my life has only gotten progressively better, for the most part, since then. I also feel like the segment of your life they talk about in the song hasn't ended yet for me, even though I'm not really "young" anymore. I hope it doesn't end for a long time (but time will tell). In fact, a lot of the time now, I look at people who are younger than me and I think, "I don't miss feeling like that. I'm happier now than I ever was when I was that age". If I can feel like that despite the world feeling very chaotic for various reasons, perhaps I'm not the angry person that some of my previous internet rants might suggest.  

The young, good old days for me involved a lot of road trips, live music, obscure independent movies, late nights with friends that ended with breakfast food at shady establishments, drive-in movies, being a summer camp counselor, jumping out of an airplane, getting paid to smash long, fluorescent lightbulbs against the dumpster at the video store, and a bunch of other antics that will never make it into print. It was fun at the time, and it's nice to reminisce, but I wouldn't want to do that same stuff now. Back then, life was too short not to try lots of new things and meet lots of new and interesting people. Now, life is too short to waste on activities or people I don't find substantive for whatever reason. Friends come and go. Some stick around, some move on, some don't make it, and some have sweet reunions every so often. I still find myself amazed every once in a while when I have that "A-ha!" feeling when I recognize someone is like me in some strange way. I hope that never stops happening.

 And just like that, I'm an old woman. What has this song done to me?

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