Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Not Normal

I am completely perplexed by the idea that the US government wants to reduce EPA regulations that protect the air everyone breathes and the water everyone drinks. There was JUST a water pollution crisis in Flint, Michigan, and I haven't heard whether or not that has been resolved. The next crisis can happen anywhere. Just because you don't live right next to a factory doesn't mean that you won't be affected by lax standards. It's a dangerous game of Russian roulette. 

I am perplexed that there are people who want the increase our reliance on fossil fuels when we have made great progress in the last few years in using renewable energy resources. There is no question that the fossil fuels on earth will only grow more scarce, and then run out altogether, very possibly in the next generation's lifetime. This is not an exaggeration or me trying to scare people, it's fact based on how much is left and how much the world currently uses. It is obvious that if a country wants to be world leader in the coming decades, it needs to harness renewable energy technology, and lead the development of new renewable energy technologies. Most developed nations take this stance and are slowly cutting back on their use of fossil fuels and increasing their use of renewable energy. There is a great opportunity for job creation in renewable energy. And yet, for some reason, the US wants to go backwards and keep relying on businesses and methods that are dying out. The people in charge want to pad their pockets and don't care about the future of anyone else, and I find it disgusting. It's not sustainable and it doesn't make good business sense.

The priorities of this administration are entirely out of whack, and this is not normal. It is not normal to censor research. It is not normal to get rid of laws that are there to keep people and animals safe. It is not normal for government officials to make up historical events when they are being interviewed. 


  1. Nothing here is normal anymore. We have a large percentage of the population that embraces ignorance and lacks any critical thinking. If you read a book or listen to scientists you are an "elitist". Sad! ;)

  2. Yeah, these are strange times we are living in. It doesn't bother me that there are lots of people with different ideas and opinions from my own - those are healthy in a democracy. What bothers me is the censorship and disregard of research, known facts, and rational debate.
