Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Today I had to teach kindergarteners a lesson about balance as part of "Personal Development". The lesson was basically about how even if you like to do something that's good for you, if you do only that thing, it will end up not being good for you (for example, in the story I read them, there was a kid who read so much that she didn't get enough sleep). 

Me: Are apples a healthy thing to eat?
Kids: YES.
Me: If you eat only apples, will you be healthy?
Kids: NO. 

I think the kids ended up learning more about eating a balanced diet than finding balance in their lives, since most of them drew pictures having to do with food afterwards, but they'll get there. 

As a side note, a little girl tried to add on to my apple analogy by saying that if you only ate apples, only one part of you would grow (she gestured towards her hand as an example). But, if you eat lots of different things, your whole body will grow. She had the right idea, but now I am imagining what it would be like if different foods only made one part of your body grow... I would get elephantitis of whatever body part pizza grows. Or, if I only ate carrots, I would have gigantic bug eyes. People would all look bizarre, and you'd probably become good friends with people who ate the same main thing you ate too, not just because you'd have similar tastes, but because you'd all literally be freaks in the same way. 

Well, that was a strange rabbit hole. 


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