Thursday, July 14, 2016

On Tour

This is going to sound silly, but hear me out. Visiting home when you live in another country is, I imagine, a very small taste of what it's like to be famous. Your calendar fills up for this short time with all these different people wanting to reunite and spend time with you and ask you questions and take pictures with you. Everyone's trying to feed you and give you gifts. You only have a short time so you unfortunately have to prioritize who you make more or less time to see. I know in my last post I said the trip itself is now routine, but this aspect of it is still not for me. It's exciting to go from one event or activity to the next and see all these people you wish you could see more regularly. But, then you have so many goodbyes to say, often in the same day, which can be rough. I always use the word "whirlwind" to describe it because that's really how it feels. Then we fly back and go back to our normal, quiet-ish, everyday lives.

Anyway, bring it on. I'm excited and it's going to be a lot of fun despite all the inevitable goodbyes. I suppose it makes it easier knowing we will be back again in a few months for a slew of weddings, so we don't have to fit everything and everyone into this trip.


  1. Same sort of thing happens (to a lesser extent) when you live far from family and have kids.. each visit to family is like a whirlwind of paparazzi photographs and scheduled lunches/dinners and trying to fight to see each and every person imaginable in as short a time as possible.

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