Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Last week we did our favorite room escape yet, Mission Sydney's "Dr. M". We went with a group of eight friends total, many of whom had not done a room escape experience before. 

This past weekend we made a super short trip down to Melbourne for the annual Melbourne Hat Tournament. We played frisbee with and against some new friends and some old, and the weather was gorgeous. This year nobody on my team set their hand on fire, so I guess that's a win by itself. The party was Rubik's Cube themed, which means everyone had to go wearing articles of clothing or accessories that were white, blue, green, orange, red, and yellow. You had to trade with other people to end up with all of the same color by the end of the night. Mission accomplished. I now own reflective orange safety vest that I'm not sure what I'm going to do with now. 

Last night was trivia as usual, and then we checked out Frankie's, which was quite unique. It's not the typical night hangout place we would go to, but it was highly recommended by a friend. The pizza was divine and the music was loud. 

And so the week continues.

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