Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Busy Bee

Since it's school break, I've had some free time on my hands. I've used it quite productively: working out, cleaning, running errands, making more home-cooked meals, crafting, Christmas shopping, going to the dentist, etc. 

I suppose I always say this, I'll continue to say it: the weather doesn't match the season around here, at least not how we're used to it. When you can an enjoy a sunny day at the beach, it doesn't feel right singing, "Oh, the weather outside is frightful...". Anyway, it'll be our first true Aussie Christmas since we were travelling in Thailand this time last year. We have some plans with friends and I'm sure we'll make some long distance facetime calls too.
Should be fun!


  1. Back here in DC, it's scheduled to be in the 70's on Christmas Day.. so we're having the same issue of the weather not matching the season.

  2. So then I should feel "at home" on Christmas, at least in terms of the weather - nice! Thank you just this time, global warming.
