Sunday, November 23, 2014

Weekend Times

This weekend I've been cat-sitting for our trivia friends. Here's a selfie of us together:

We also celebrated our frisbee friend, Ali's birthday at Milk Beach, which is along the bay (as opposed to the ocean). The Napoleon Dynamite themed party was more up the hill from the beach since the sandy area is actually quite small. Here is the gorgeous view:

Also this weekend, we participated in the Game of Zones at the gym Michael belongs to. Basically it is a special event where they randomly put together teams of eight people and have them compete in the different kinds of challenges in each different area of the gym. To my surprise I was on one of the teams that tied for first. 

Today we saw Mockingjay, party 1. I think if we had not read the books we would have thought it was fine, just with less action than the other two movies. However, since we read the books, we know that they padded the movie with some extra stuff to lengthen the Mockingjay story into two parts. I hate how this is the popular thing to do now - splitting one movie into multiple parts just to prolong the hype and make more money at the box office. They're doing it with the Hobbit movies too. All in all, though, it was a good way to spend the hottest part of a hot day when you don't have AC at home.

If only the weekend could last longer. 

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