Thursday, November 6, 2014

I like lists, among other things

A great weight is removed from my shoulders when I am able to find pet-sitting for an upcoming trip. With all our short trips lately we haven't had to worry about it. We just put out the auto-feeder, an extra litterbox, and some extra water usually. My super sweet ex-coworker offered to help us out when we go to Thailand for the holidays and it just makes me want to do summersaults around the room - if my right knee wasn't super swollen and kind of permanently charlie-horsed. 

A guy ran into me last night during frisbee, his knee hitting me in the quad just above my knee. I can only bend it slowly and not all the way for now. I'm hoping it's just swollen from the hard hit and not a worse injury to a ligament or something. I figure (hope, anyway) if I was able to finish the point I can't be too seriously injured. 

In other random news, when I was on my lunch break today outside of the Bondi Junction train station there were Haribo people giving out free little packs of Star Mix. As Haribo and I have a long-term and happy relationship, this moment came in at a close second to making my week (second only to finding a pet-sitter). 

Third in making my week was discovering icreamy gelato. I usually get the lychee coconut sorbet, but they also have other good flavors I've tried like black sesame and white chocolate miso. They have a popcorn flavor I haven't brought myself to try yet. They can't beat Messina's daily specials, but their flavors are pretty solid. 

Right now I'm missing trivia with some of our frisbee friends, where Michael is right now. It's at a pub that is best accessible my biking, otherwise it requires lots of walking or taking two buses, none of which I was up for tonight with my knee in this condition. It's okay, we came in fourth (earning a free bottle of wine) at our normal Monday night trivia, so I got my fill for the week. I think this goes 4th on the list of things that are making my week. 

So, to recap:

Making My Week
1. Pet-sitting for long trip acquired
2. Haribo
3. icreamy
4. 4th place in trivia
5. Making this list
100+ ( The last possible thing on the list, or the beginning of an opposite list). Hurting my knee 

Is it bad that two of the top three things I am happy about this week involve eating delicious sweets? Don't answer that. It reminds of something I saw on Etsy recently:

 "Eat like no one is watching. Or dance. Whatever."


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