Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November Sun

Here's a rundown of the week so far...

Monday night, as usual, our trivia team did well enough to tie for fourth place and then lost the tie-breaker. Sigh. On the plus side, the host was sympathetic to the fact that we always do so well and then blow it at the end. He gave us a few free drink vouchers anyway. Perhaps being in the host's favor is as good as being smart enough to actually come in at the top. Almost. 

Last night, Michael and I were on rival teams in our Run Hard frisbee league. My team won, but his would have done considerably better if he had been able to arrive on-time. 

Today I had to ride the train an hour to the suburb of Blacktown for my suitability interview to teach in the NSW public school system. This is not an interview for a particular position, it is just to ensure that you generally know what you're talking about when it comes to teaching so you may be added to the list of approved teachers who can be hired. The day was pleasant enough, although, I hope to never need to go to Blacktown again for any reason.

Random recent discovery: my private health insurance pays for part of the cost if I get a massage. Awesome!

...and that's a rap. 

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