Saturday, April 12, 2014

Cultural Adjusting

I thought this post by a friend was appropriate. I haven't cried in a cab, but I've had other similar moments where I've been frustrated about the differences when living abroad for sure. I think I'm pretty much to the point of acceptance now, though, which is good. I'm lucky to not have the added language barrier; although, at work I'm still integrating new vocabulary all the time. They're all words I've heard before that I just don't instinctually use: rubbish instead of trash, nappy instead of diaper, mozzie instead of mosquito, trolly instead of cart, pram instead of stroller, etc. And then there's the spelling: organise, harbour, colour, diarrhoea (I see this one on a billboard at the train station and it makes no sense to me), etc. 

Right now Michael is in Adelaide for Ultimate Frisbee Nationals. His team gets to play in both A and B Nationals for some reason. He has officially been to an Australian state that I have not yet, which is fine since I have two more on him he hasn't been to yet.


  1. Every time I see "diarrhoea" spelled that way, my first reaction is always "Um... are you okay?" because it looks like the onomatopoeia of the sound someone would make if they were in the middle of saying the word "diarrhea" aloud but then they threw up a little bit in their mouth and swallowed it back down.

  2. I agree. Adding the O somehow makes it so much worse.
