Sunday, April 27, 2014

ANZAC Weekend Activities

Friday was ANZAC Day , so Michael and I both had a holiday from work. I got to bake ANZAC biscuits for the first time with the kids at work the day before. The biscuits looked like they turned out well, but I refuse to eat anything more than 10 children touch, so I guess I will never know.

Saturday we went for a bike ride in Centennial Park . Apparently part of the recent Great Gatsby movie was shot in that park. There is currently a film shooting there now; you can see part of the set over the fenced in construction area. They are being very hush-hush about what movie is filming, though. I am determined to do some sleuthing to find out what it is.

Another thing Centennial Park is known for is birds . Michael and I are novices when it comes to identifying bird species, but I like to think just by paying one visit to the pond, one automatically gets promoted to an intermediate birder because of the sheer diversity that can be seen in one place. There are 27 species listed on the park's website, but we definitely saw some that weren't on the list, like gigantic pelicans. Of course there are some that we didn't see, like the falcons, but maybe it's just a matter of time before we see them all. One of my favorites is the rainbow lorikeet , and my least favorite is sulphur-crested cockatoo because they shriek nonstop. Maybe Michael and I will have a big year , Australian style.

Michael and I also went to the Powerhouse Museum for the first time this weekend. The museum is mainly geared towards kids, but has exhibits adults would find interesting as well. We got to see the Game Masters exhibit, which was, in a word, overstimulating (but still fun). For people our age it is a nostalgic exhibit, while for kids it's actually an interactive exhibit about the history of classic games they have mostly only heard about. After reading Ready Player One , it was a good refresher about what some of the classic games actually look like. They also had some obscure independent and foreign video games too, like Blueberry Garden. In addition to getting to play games, you also learn a little bit about the makers, and art/design style. It seemed very fitting that we thought we had been in the exhibit for an hour, looked at the watch, and realized we had been there for almost three. The highlight for me was beating Michael at Sonic 2 , which wasn't a fair contest since he didn't spend hours playing it like I did when I was 10. He beat me at most of the other games we played though. 

All in all, it was a lowkey weekend, but we still managed to experience more of what Sydney has to offer. 

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