Saturday, March 1, 2014

$0... Priceless

For the first time in I don't know how long, Michael and I spent $0 today. It wasn't planned, it just so happened that it was a rainy day and we had no plans. We talked to Michael's parents on the phone/computer, watched TV, cooked, cleaned, groomed and watered our "balcony garden", I made some crafts while he worked some computer stuff, I went for a walk, etc. I challenge everyone out there to have a $0 day at some point in the near future. It's good to take a break from being a consumer.

On a sad note, we found out that one of Michael's parents' cats, Mufasa, passed away. He was 20, so he had a pretty good run. Mufasa was a sweet guy and will be missed, RIP. I'd like to retroactively dedicate this day of anti-consumerism to Mufasa. He would have approved.

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