Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Fall Escape


Since my last post, the country went through a fourth COVID wave, and numbers are falling again. Work hast started up and there are actually kids in the classrooms. We have been lucky to have no cases of COVID so far, but every week, a kid in each class is usually out with a cold and they have to get a PCR test before they can return to the center. One positive is that regular colds and illnesses haven't spread as much because the kids have had to stay home if they show any new symptoms of anything. The masks, handwashing, and distancing also seem to be helping. For now, we keep on trucking. This has been one of my hardest years in terms of work, ever. So much has been thrown at us and continues to be thrown at us from every direction. Some of the work is even enjoyable. I am very lucky to have a strong and experienced team.

A week ago we had our first little escape in six months to Mohonk Mountain House in the Hudson River Valley. The hotel was founded in 1869 and the property has undergone many changes over the years. It was kind of nice to be in a historic building with beautiful nature all around. It was a reminder that many things were around before this pandemic, and people/places/things/ideas can and do endure. It was also nice to be somewhere where we could do lots of family-friendly outdoor activities, and that it was understood that everyone be masked when indoors (vaccinated or not). Penny loved exploring there and spending time with her cousins. She was particularly excited to swim at an indoor pool for the first time - it was quite the novelty. 

Because of traveling out-of-state, Penny had to stay home for a few days before returning to school, just as a precaution. It was actually pretty nice to have a taste of being home for a little while with nothing particular to do. It was like when we had been home during the earlier days of the pandemic as a family, only without all the fear and anxiety, and knowing it was just temporary. 

Since my last post, I have received my COVID booster shot. I'm grateful to have access, particularly since I'm working in-person with young, unvaccinated children. 

It feels like we are all operating in limbo - wanting and feeling like the pandemic is nearing its end, but never being sure what is around the corner. We are all exhausted from living through interesting times. I am hopeful, but I know better than to assume anything these days.

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