Thursday, July 29, 2021

The Dog Days of Summer


The numbers of vaccinated people have been going up, and the numbers of cases and deaths were going down for several months. Now it seems as though there's another uptick of COVID-19, but I am hoping that the vaccines will do their work and keep this a relatively low rise. There are still pockets of the US where less people are vaccinated, and those will sadly cause problems for the rest of us. But, as a whole, we are lucky that Virginia and the DC area are doing well in terms of vaccination and low case and death numbers.

Reading the news and social media from Sydney, they are on an extended lockdown and their worst outbreak to date (which is still very low compared to the US). 

At least this summer is better than last. We have a pool where Penny has been getting swim lessons, and she loves being in the water. We were able to do a mild family getaway on the Eastern Shore of MD. Michael and I got to go camping and kayaking with friends this past weekend. Penny has been able to attend daycare, have a few outdoor playdates, and see both sets of grandparents somewhat regularly.

My work situation has changed, and will change again next month, and the month after. By that, I mean I am in a new role, and then I go back in person, and then children will start attending the school again. So, my day-to-day work will change. So, it will be a while before I feel settled. It's also hard to enjoy the end of summer when work has already ramped up and I have a gargantuan task of bringing a little school back from the dead, essentially. 

I recently rediscovered "At My Most Beautiful" by REM. So I'll end with that...

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