Thursday, May 16, 2019

Mothers' Day Zombie Hunt and New Glasses

Michael has been recently developing an app for a friend's local event business. The app is a fake phone interface, from which the user receives texts, map locations, and other data that are clues to be solved in a sort of scavenger hunt. For Mothers' Day, Michael surprised me with my own zombie-themed scavenger hunt through the app. The event took me to some favorite local cafes and then to a new area nearby that we hadn't explored much up until now. Midday, he took PJ home for a nap while I was sent to another location, which I would find, would be for a relaxing massage. After relaxing, there was a little more go-go-go around Centennial Park. It was a fun day, I just wish I'd had a little more time to enjoy the end before having to rush to our fourth-time-rescheduled family photo shoot in the park. Family photos went well, as far as we know. In a few days, we should get to see them. 

I am officially old, in that I now own my first pair of reading glasses. Michael makes fun of me because he thinks I don't read enough to need them. The truth is, in the last several years, I've kind of unconsciously adapted because my eyes get uncomfortable focusing on something close after a few minutes. So, I have been mostly listening to books on audible, or if I read it's just for five minutes here or 10 minutes there, and then I move on to something else. I also gravitated toward a job where I don't sit and stare at a computer screen very long. I spend a lot of my time teaching in front of a class or working in small groups with people, and I'm only on a computer during the work day to briefly check email or to pull up Powerpoint slides and that kind of thing. The problem with being such an adaptable person is that I didn't notice how something simple, like reading glasses, might make it so I don't need to adapt so much. Anyway, we will see if these new glasses help me to enjoy sitting and reading for longer again. I haven't worn glasses in about 8 1/2 years, and back then they were for distance, so it's a change for me to need them for the opposite reason. Anyway, I knew at some point this would happen after getting lasik surgery.

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