Wednesday, May 22, 2019

GOT Finale, Catch-22, Photos, and Citizenship Update

Mild spoilers...

We watched the Game of Thrones finale along with the rest of the world. There were mixed feelings, but overall, I suppose it was a quietly paced episode that had some nice farewell moments. My favorite moment had to be when Sansa told her uncle to sit down, and he awkwardly banged and fumbled with his sword while doing so. The second was probably between Jon and Ghost. Also, seeing John wear a cotton shirt in jail instead of his furs and stuff? Weird. There are still some loose ends, but I'll take it. I'll say it didn't reach the high bar that Breaking Bad set, and it didn't reach the low bar that Dexter ended on. It was middle-of-the-road in my book.

Now... on to finding the next big show. I'll still be following Walking Dead, but that one feels like it's descending towards it's end. We are also watching the mini series of Catch-22 on Hulu, which is surprisingly well-done and enjoyable. The few big names in the show: George Clooney, Hugh Laurie, and the guy who played Coach on Friday Night Lights, well cast. Yossarian, although played by an actor I had never seen before, is also really great. It's hard to portray a story like that, one that is is very tongue-in-cheek in its written descriptions and situational humor. Being three episodes in, I think they've pulled it off.

We got our family photos back from the photographer ("Iggy and Bonn") within a week. We are happy with them, and would definitely recommend her. The first time, I really had to convince Michael and promise we would never do them again if they didn't turn out well. I think he's been surprised at how glad he is that we have taken them, in order to preserve these moments in time when Penelope is still so small.

And the biggest news lately is that we have officially passed our citizenship tests and have a date set for our citizenship ceremony next month. It's a weight off my shoulders to know that it will be complete soon and we can move on with whatever plans we end up making in the next several months. 

I think inevitably, all blogs eventually start to slow and posts become less regular. That's certainly happened since Penelope arrived, but I still find the time every now and then. Thanks for continuing to check in!

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