Sunday, March 17, 2019


Michael was working in New Zealand for the second half of last week. The day he flew back was the day of the horrible shooting. Fortunately, he was in Wellington and flying through Auckland, and not near Christchurch. 

The general reaction everywhere just seems to be shock - how could this happen in such a progressive, liberal, relaxed country like New Zealand (and an Aussie guy, nonetheless)? That is exactly why NZ was picked, it seems. This is different than the shootings that happen so regularly in the US. The national and international reaction is different. There was no talk of very fine people on both sides. The PM, Jacinda Ardern, she immediately identified the event as an act of terrorism and condemned it, and she said straight away that the gun laws will change. It was refreshing to hear a leader speak after a tragedy who talked about what would be done immediately to make everyone safer. You rarely hear that when there is a tragedy (man-made or a natural disaster) in the US. You usually hear about excuses, blame, thoughts and prayers, and calls to not change existing laws. 

One thing that event has in common with some US shootings, though, is that the main perpetrator was a white extremist who was afraid of people of different backgrounds. Also similar, he was inspired by previous acts of violence that got media coverage. He used social media to post big warning signs, and yet they slipped through the cracks and nothing was done to stop him. It is clear that white extremism has resurged around the world in recent years, and steps need to be taken to both quell it, and make it more difficult for anyone to cause widespread harm to a group of people. 

In other happier news, Penelope is starting to take a few steps by herself. I wouldn't call what she does "walking" quite yet, but any day now she will take a few more steps and then a few more. And then, she will probably run a marathon. 

After Penelope goes to sleep, I actually have started using my new basic screenprinting skills to make gifts for a few people. I can't give any details yet since I haven't given the gifts yet, and I don't want to ruin the surprise. I've officially used this new ability in a practical way more than I've used my beekeeping knowledge. To be fair, though, it's pretty hard to keep an apiary on your apartment balcony. I still hope to one day have a hive or two when we have our own yard. 

I also made my return today to the yoga mat. For my birthday, Michael bought me a ten-class-pass to Humming Puppy, and I was finally able to go. I'd been less motivated to go since the one friend I would go with moved away. At the beginning of a class, I usually feel antsy and want to move, but I always feel better during the second half - more calm, muscles stretched and more relaxed, etc. Also, Humming Puppy is great because they always have some unique tea blends and coconut water for you to drink after the class for free (well, included in the price you play to go to the class), and also it's a 2 minute walk from home. Anyway, It was a great way to spend a rainy morning.

Here's to the start of a hopefully better week full of less illness and bad news, and more yoga and socializing. 

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