Saturday, December 1, 2018


Penelope has started teething. She has one tooth on the bottom and one on top. They are not directly on top of each other. So all the great sleeping and eating has gone out the window again. Such is the nature of having a baby. She has never been one to suck on a pacifier/"dummy", but we let her do it today - more like chew on one - and she kind of loved it. Maybe that will help in the next few days.

She has developed the ability to shake her head "no". At first, she did it to say she did not want a particular food. Now she will do it even before she tries a food, and sometimes we have to convince her to just taste something (this probably has more to do with teething, since she is in pain). She has also shaken her head "no" it when I've poured water on her head at swimming (we do it to warm up before putting them under), and when I said she was going to take a nap. Anyway, it's interesting to see what situations she uses it in now, because it's a clue into what other words and concepts she understands.

It's a pretty quiet weekend. Our sleep and meals have been out of whack because of our late-night teething parties. Michael has been working on some side projects, we had our regular Saturday morning breakfast sandwiches, and I took Penelope to the farmers market. Peaches and cherries are in season - yum! And I bought some local raw lavender honey - double yum! 

I am mentally preparing for our trip to back to the US for the holidays. I am keeping my expectations low for the long flight, which kind of sucks anyway, with the added bonus of a teething baby. Hopefully those teeth will pop out in the next few days and not be an issue. It's unrealistic to expect a baby to be blissfully happy or sleep for an entire 15 hours, though (plus a layover, then other shorter flight). 

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