Thursday, November 22, 2018

Expat Non-Thanksgiving

Most of the people would probably spend Thanksgiving with have moved away from Sydney in the last year or two. We will just have a normal family dinner of Turkey (but not a whole one) and some sides. We can be quietly thankful and that is enough.

Penelope has reached the milestone of being able to pull herself up to standing. She's not great at it yet; if she gets distracted, she completely loses balance. I'm trying to teach her to kind of sit quickly if that happens, as opposed to just falling down onto her face or back. I'm also trying to teach her that to get down off the couch, she should turn around and put her feet down on the ground first. It's all a work in progress. 

In other news, I think I may have broken my first bone ever: my right pinky toe. I stubbed it really hard yesterday, and it is now swollen and bruised worse than I have ever seen it. It obviously hurts if I put weight one it. It's hard to tell if it's broken or just very badly bruised; but it's not bad enough that I feel the need to seek medical attention. I don't need to play frisbee for a few weeks anyway, so I imagine it will just heal on its own. It would help if I could stop banging it on things, though. Now that we have a baby, and all the stuff that goes along with a baby, like the high chair and bouncer and pack-n-play, there are so many more things around to stub my toes on. A lot of them happen to be things that are wider on the bottom than on top, so that they don't easily fall, which is part of why I'm poorly estimating where my feet should go (in the already small and crowded space). Anyway, I guess I need to evolve better navigation skills, or all my tiny digits will pay for it.

We are starting to get ready for our first trip overseas with Penelope. The flight will be about 15 hours, and then after a layover, another approx. 4.5 hour flight after that. It will be a log haul, but I suppose if we can survive that, the rest of the trip should be a piece of cake. We hope. 

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