Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Family Values

My parents, AKA Penelope's grandparents, have been visiting for the last several days and will be here for about another week. Unlike during their past visits to the Sydney area, we have fewer plans each day, so we can have plenty of downtime hanging out with Penelope at home and in our neighborhood. 

Penelope had her first round of vaccines on Friday, and was not feeling like her usual chipper self, understandably. We had planned to go to Wollongong on Saturday, partially to see Michael play in the nationals tournament, but the weather was not ideal for a little bub (so windy they had to take down sun shelters), and she still had a fever from the vaccines, so we weren't able to stay as long as originally planned. She recovered after about two days, and is charming us all as much as she can without smiling all that much yet. She'll kind of quickly half-smile occasionally, leaving us wondering if she really was smiling in the first place (I bet when our backs are turned, she's smiling and chuckling up a storm at our confusion/mild frustration). 

I was able to bring my parents to trivia last night, although a pub would not normally be their scene. They knew a lot of answers and seemed to have a good time, despite how noisy and raucous the regulars can get. They're getting to see more of the ordinary life here rather than doing a lot of tourist stuff, although they are getting to do a little bit of that here and there. April is a nice time of year to visit Sydney!

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