Thursday, November 30, 2017


When I'm back at my parents' house on an annual visit, and I find myself unable to sleep due to jet-lag and adrenaline, I often find myself eating cereal and going through old photos, and the other odds and ends I've left there. I usually end up purging a few boxes or bags of old stuff, and yet every time it seems like the same amount of stuff is there.

One of my trivia mates, who just had a grandchild and is expecting another one very soon, was talking about how everyone gets very interested in looking at your and your partner's childhood photos when you have a baby, for comparison and reminiscence purposes. During my jet-lag induced haze one day at 4AM, I found these little gems:

I guess we'll see if Baby C takes after my rosy mug, or more after Michael.

Speaking of 4AM, here is one of my favorite references...

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