Friday, July 21, 2017


The week has flown by, between work and meeting up with friends. A few who moved away are back in town briefly, so it's nice to see them and catch up - more of that's to come later in the weekend.

Friday night has involved eating homemade mac n'cheese and re-watching Leon: The Professional. It had been a while, but it's really such a great and unique movie. Jean Reno is so awkwardly loveable, and Natalie Portman was an incredible actress when she was only 12. It kind of makes me want to get a new potted plant. 

Random story: apparently during the filming of the movie, an actual robber was running from the scene of his crime, right onto the set. He mistook the actors for real police, thought he was surrounded, and gave himself up. I've heard this story from more than one website, but I have yet to verify the validity. It's a great concept regardless.

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