Monday, July 17, 2017

Baby Driver

Last night we saw Baby Driver with some friends, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I usually don't like car chase movies all that much, not to mention I just thought the title sounded ridiculous. It doesn't pass the Bechdel test, which is a strike against it - in fact there isn't even one scene where two women have any dialogue together at all. Despite all that, it was still a fun movie, and the soundtrack meshing with tinnitus and background noises was clever (you have to see it to understand what I mean). The movie could win an award for sound mixing, and how often do I say that? I also found the ending somewhat unique for a heist movie - usually one of two things happens at the end of those, and they somehow found a third thing. 

There are just some actors who generally pick good projects to work on, and Flea is one of them. So, if he or Kevin Spacey is in something, I'm probably going to like it. They almost make up for the lack of substantive female characters... almost. 

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