Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Assuming makes an ass of you, not me

Mini rant coming in 3... 2... 1...

Sometimes when you're a sub, you arrive at a school and they don't give you very much information. You do your best to ask people and look for timetables and info, but even then sometimes the details are lacking. I can whip up a plan if there isn't one, no problem. The issue is when I make up a plan because there wasn't one, and then after the fact people tell me different plans all of a sudden that need to be instantly executed. I'm confused; the kids are confused. People assume because they know something, you should just know, in your brain. People assume how things work in one place is how they work everywhere, which could not be further from the truth.

I had a moment dealing with this today where I got the stink-eye from an administrator when I asked her a question. Half of my students were leaving for swimming for two hours, and another teacher took the other half because that's what she usually does. I wasn't told if I should help the teacher who took the kids or if I should be on another class (which usually, I am) or what. The admin, instead of thinking, "Wow, this non-regular employee of mine took the initiative to make sure she was useful for two hours instead of going and having a really great coffee break", she just acted irritated that I would bother her. 

Some people are just so thankless, and I guess every workplace has ones like her. Anyway, the kids were great kids and went with the flow, so that evened everything out. 

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