Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Run Hard

Warning: this post is mostly about ultimate frisbee. If this is not of interest to you, don't keep reading.

As an ultimate frisbee player, sometimes you fumble through a terrible game where you make a lot of mistakes. Sometimes you have a game where you get amazing defensive blocks, accurate throws, and near-impossible catches. I had the latter last night - it was one of my best games in the last year, easily. I had a one-handed, diving, rolling catch for a score. I was a decent handler (for those that don't know, the equivalent of a pointguard in basketball), and I also had two good defensive plays. It also just happened to be a game where I had several friends on my team and on the opposing team, which is just fun for heckling purposes. Although it was a very high-level, intense, close game, it ended with a very ridiculous final point full of gratuitous fouls and silly mistakes. Everyone literally walked off the field laughing, and it reminded me of why I love playing ultimate in general, but particularly in Australia. 

The Australian ultimate community is a fraction of the size it is in the states. It's like moving from a big city to a small town, in terms of everyone knowing each other. Playing here has given me a lot more opportunities to improve my game, while still being as competitive as I want to be (without having to be more committed or intense than I care to be). Michael and I have made some of our best friends here while playing frisbee because they tend to have the same interests and sense of humor. I also have a leadership role within our club here, which I would never take on in a club as large as the one in DC. 

I don't want to start talking about all the things I will miss when we move back to the states, but ultimate in Australia will definitely be at the top of the list. 

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