Wednesday, September 30, 2015

There and Back Again

Longest trip back ever - my flight over the Pacific got cancelled, so I ended up getting in a day late. Luckily, I was somewhat compensated by the airline and I didn't have anything I needed to get urgently back for.

It was a fantastic trip back to the states: a big whirlwind of hellos and goodbyes in the DC area (complete with seeing as many friends and family as we could,  meeting our new nephew, playing some trampoline dodgeball, and attending Renn Faire). Then it was off to Yosemite, which was incredible. Talk about places that make you feel so small, literally and in geologic time. Then we were at a wedding with friends in Tahoe. Now I'm back here and it's all over, my body is confused about what time it is, and there's nothing good to eat in the cat-hair-filled apartment. The cats are super happy to see me, though. By that I mean that Eve won't let me out of her sight and Ninja gave me slight acknowledgment. 

I'm lucky I have a few days to get everything back in order before the next school term starts up again. Michael ended up going back to the DC area for work and will return over the weekend. 

I'm sure I will have more reflections in the coming days about my trip home, when I don't feel as discombobulated. 

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