Thursday, June 18, 2015

Cigarettes in Prison = Sparkly Stickers in Primary School

Unusually, I subbed the same class for most of the week. I was actually able to learn almost all of their names and see them make little improvements over time. 

Since I've been in the same school a lot, I've gotten to know a lot of the kids in other classes too, so they say hi to me in the halls or on the playground. It's funny how some kids who I don't feel like I was particularly nice to (I just taught their class, but it wasn't necessarily a "fun" lesson or anything), smile and are happy to see me simply because I am now familiar to them and they know my name. I may or may not have bought their love with sparkly horse stickers, though. I didn't think little boys would like the sparkly horse stickers, not more than the girls anyway. I definitely overheard one boy telling another that he wanted all the stickers, and he was very serious. Time it takes 25 kids to clean a room = ~6 minutes. Time it takes 25 kids to clean a room with the goal or earning a sticker each = 1 minute. 

Veronica, you say, tomorrow is Friday and the week is not over. Yes, I know, but my teaching week is over. Tomorrow I have a team building event, just to shake things up. Adults' love is harder to buy. Usually the ones I deal with at events are motivated by the fact that they get to drink alcohol at the end, and they will do anything to speed the time up so they can receive said alcohol sooner and stop solving puzzles. 

We are all motivated by something. Eve is motivated by the promise of eating human food and will high-five for a tortilla chip or a cheese crunchie. She will not, however, high five for boring everyday cat food. 

With the rainy dreary weather we've been having the last few days, I am motivated to do nothing more than curl up under our gigantic fluffy blanket and watch Parks and Recreation reruns. Goodnight.

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