Thursday, June 11, 2015


So we had beautiful frozen gnocchi left over from our class over the weekend. I my attempt to reheat and cook it I have utterly destroyed it. It is still edible, but no longer resembles its original shape and texture. Sadness.

In other happier news about sort-of-Italian things, I recently found out my little cousin/goddaughter is acting in The Barns at Wolftrap's production of The Marriage of Figaro. From what I know it's a little part with no individual lines; nonetheless, it's still quite impressive for her first gig. All little girls have some fantasy at some point about being an actress, but she's actually getting to do it. One day when she wins her Tony or Emmy or Oscar, hopefully she'll thank me for my encouragement during our afternoon Justin Beiber dance parties back in the day. 

...That's all I've got. Finito. 

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