Monday, May 11, 2015

Back into the Swing of Things

Since getting back from our travels around Australia, Michael and I have just been getting back to work and to our regular hobbies. On Sunday we played in a small local frisbee tournament, mostly with and against familiar faces. Our team won! It was only out of four teams, so it was't the most amazing achievement in the world, but it's always nice to end the day in victory. It was also nice to just see and talk to some friends we hadn't seen in a few weeks.

Today I started a new job that will be one day a week and last through term 2 (about 2 more months) working with teen girls on life skills/teamwork/sport skills. That is my third job that I had been preparing to start for a while but got delayed by travel and scheduling. Anyway, it's a good complement to my subbing and events, and it's nice to have at least one consistent assignment with the same people in the same location for a while, even if it's only one day of the week. So far the biggest challenge is getting to get some of the girls to put away their phones. Seriously, a girl was trying to run around and do warm-up exercises with earphones in and holding her phone. I don't understand how she would even get anything out of that; you can't pay enough attention to either thing to get anything out of them. I was secretly hoping she would drop it and it would get stepped on, just so she would learn a lesson. Alas, it didn't happen. I did get paid to teach the teens the basics of ultimate frisbee though, so that was pretty cool. 

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