Thursday, October 9, 2014

New Season, New Team

A new season has started and I will be in two fun frisbee leagues in addition to the competitive team Michael and I are playing on. He is playing the Tuesday night league with me, but I'm doing the Wednesday night one without him. I have been asked to co-captain the team, a first for me. I'm sure they just needed a woman to say yes to doing it since it is a co-ed league, but it was nice to get a flattering email about why I would be so great at it anyway. We had our first game last night, and the team played very well considering it was the first time we played together. We won at universe point, and I had a few key plays. I'm looking forward to a lot of ultimate in the next two months as the weather gets warmer and the days grow longer.

In other athletic news, Michael attends a gym in the city that runs different 15 and 30 minutes classes throughout the day that target specific muscle groups or outcomes. The trainers tell and demonstrate for you exactly what to do and for exactly how long. Then you rotate through the exercises and a quick pace, with them telling you exactly how much longer you have and when to switch to the next exercise. As long as you're a member, you can attend as many (or as few) classes as you like, whenever you want. It's very ideal for people who just want that quick workout before or after work, or during their lunch break. If you want a longer workout you could just take two or three classes in a row. Michael had been coercing me to come try it out since he had guest pass, so I went to try out a 30 minute ab workout and a 15 minute HIIT class (high intensity interval training). Of course my abs still hurt two days later. When I sit up it's like I'm being stabbed in the stomach with 10 tiny knives. Good times.

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