Thursday, August 28, 2014

I'm a motorist!

I took the day off work today to, among other things, get my driver's license since we've been officially living here more than six months. What they don't tell you, however, is that you have to have lived here for six months and you can't have left the country for any reason in that time. If I had known that, I would have gotten my license before I went to Fiji. Since those terms were never clear, I didn't. So, I didn't get my license, which isn't a big deal since apparently I can keep using my Virginia one until I become a permanent resident (if I do). It's just another one of those things where I wish my time hadn't been wasted, but oh well. I did get some other things done so the day wasn't a loss. Not to mention, I got to spend quality time with the cats, well Eve. I spent time with Ninja too, but he doesn't prefer my company as much as she does. I think I might be the sun Eve's solar system. 

We have been making even more upcoming domestic travel plans to get excited about, some sooner and some in several months' time. Thank goodness for so we can keep everything organized. 

I'm seeing through social media that it's the time of year a lot of my teacher friends are gearing up for the new school year and all the kids are heading back to school. All of this just reminds me how off that northern hemisphere cycle I am. 

In other news I tried a mooncake for the first time since the Chinese Mid-Autumn Moon Festival is approaching and one of my students' moms brought us some. It was too dense for me, but I'm glad I tried it. I think I'll get more enjoyment out of reusing the cool tin container they came in. 

That's all there is to report here for the moment.


  1. You hadn't had mooncake before? What kind did you have -- lotus root, or some sort of red bean, etc? I occasionally (once every year or two) get one of those tins with like 4-6 mooncakes in it, but I never end up finishing them before the last couple of them go bad (I have to be in a very specific mood for them, and then I usually just want one or two, but they usually only come singly or in boxes of several ...aaaaand it's worth noting that they have something like 1,000 calories each; not even kidding).

  2. At least the tins are usually pretty, and neat for keeping stuff in.
