Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Midweek Monologue

I just got most of the way through yet another long tedious application that included manually listing information about every course I have ever taken for college credit. I clicked save and - surprise - the whole thing didn't save. Over an hour of work just disappeared into the nether reaches of cyber space. Nevermind the fact that all of this information is visible on my transcripts that I will probably have to submit anyway, but it has to go into the application too. I think this is a sign from the universe that I shouldn't teach children in Australia. They really make it difficult for qualified people with clear background checks. So the saga continues.

Michael is away in Adelaide for a work project for one just night. The cats are keeping me company with their incessant whining for food and attempts to sit on my computer while I'm using it. 

Our pub trivia standings have dropped lately, but we're keeping at it. The host has taken to giving us "mercy points" for close answers. 

One thing that I have enjoyed about being here is being a bike commuter. There is a certain satisfaction in casually gliding by cars sitting in a long line. The weather is brisk in the mornings now, in the low 50's fahrenheit, which wakes you up. It's nice to bookend a stressful day with one of my favorite activities. It would be nicer if the day was less stressful, but I'll have to settle for the biking for now. I like the idea of not paying any money to earn money. At my old job, I had to pay exorbidant parking fees just to be there, which was disheartening since I didn't make much anyway. I'm averaging biking about three days a week, depending on weather or if I have plans after work that require me to take the train, which I think is pretty good.

As I prepare to go back for my first visit home since moving abroad, I wonder how much I actually am going to get done compared to how much I want to get done. I want to see lots of family and friends, run errands, partake in celebrating milestones with people, and probably get some sleep in there at some point. I'll be in the states for a week and a half, which seems like both a long and short amount of time. 

I almost forgot to mention that this past weekend I had one of the best catches in my ultimate frisbee career. I laid out in the mud to score a much-needed point with one hand. Our team didn't end up winning that game, but it didn't really matter. 

Time to re-watch some more Walking Dead

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