Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Katoomba Blues

Michael and I decided last minute to take the train up to the Blue Mountains on Saturday to hike and stay in a hostel in Katoomba. It was really fun. We saw so many waterfalls that I decided to only show pictures of our favorites. It's strange hiking because when you hike down into the valley (900 steps down the Great Staircase) you go from a dryer climate to a rainforest.

At Echo Point looking at the Three Sisters.

Michael at one of the Three Sisters. It's a little crowded.

Don't worry, this picture is deceptive. Michael is actually not close to going over the edge of a waterfall.

My personal favorite above. We're still trying to figure out the name of this one, since there will be several different names for essentially the same waterfall because they are so tall, and they're not well marked on the map or the internet.

A hearty breakfast at The Yellow Deli. 

Michael behind the falls

My favorite view of the valley.

The two flower pictures were taken at the Everglades Garden in Leura, near where we were hiking. 

Friday, March 28, 2014


It has been a very rainy week here in Sydney so I've only gotten to bike to work once. We won a special round at trivia this week, which meant we won a few free drinks. In the middle of the week we ate dinner at Micky's Cafe, which is always (at least the two times we've gone) nice. I'm slowly getting accustomed to my new job. Lots of aspects of this job are inconsistent from day to day, and it's my job to be consistent as possible.

We are looking forward to a relaxing and fun weekend, although I'm not sure what it will have in store for us.

Friday, March 21, 2014

As Promised

Since we went back tonight, I got a chance to take a picture of my favorite climb, previously mentioned. I know it's hard to judge the scale, but at least you can see what I'm talking about. It's a fun and challenging climb.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Just Kidding

After I said I would post less, here is another post right away. 

I like being a bike commuter so far. It's a good way to start and end the work day, especially when the weather's in the 70's (aka 20's here). On days when it isn't so nice out, I can bus, it just takes longer.

The new job is starting off well. I'm sure there will be days that are better and days that are worse, but if this day was anything close to average, it's a pretty decent average. There are definitely some big differences to what I'm used to at a preschool, but all manageable. Generally here the childcare centers and preschools are more crowded and kids have less personal space. This has its pluses and minuses. My center is actually the least crowded of the ones I've seen, though, which is good.

So that's the update after day one. You can't beat a two day work week.


I'm starting a longer term temporary job at a preschool today, filling in for someone on maternity leave. The posts may wane for a little while. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

City Views

This weekend we got to spend time with my parents and with my cousins who came into town from Melbourne. Unfortunately, I realized after the fact that I took no pictures of any of them. However, they all took a bunch of pictures of all of us, so hopefully I will see and maybe share some of those in the future. My pictures are mostly scenery and a little bit of Michael. 

The Chinese Garden of Friendship

View from the Sydney Tower Eye

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Temp Time

I started a temp job this week. Between temping and my parents being around for a few days starting tomorrow, I'll probably be busy. I'll also get to see some cousins this weekend that I haven't seen in nine years. If I don't post anything for a little while, it is unlikely that I have been eaten by a bunyip.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

$0... Priceless

For the first time in I don't know how long, Michael and I spent $0 today. It wasn't planned, it just so happened that it was a rainy day and we had no plans. We talked to Michael's parents on the phone/computer, watched TV, cooked, cleaned, groomed and watered our "balcony garden", I made some crafts while he worked some computer stuff, I went for a walk, etc. I challenge everyone out there to have a $0 day at some point in the near future. It's good to take a break from being a consumer.

On a sad note, we found out that one of Michael's parents' cats, Mufasa, passed away. He was 20, so he had a pretty good run. Mufasa was a sweet guy and will be missed, RIP. I'd like to retroactively dedicate this day of anti-consumerism to Mufasa. He would have approved.