Tuesday, September 20, 2022

September Optimism


We enter the fall with more optimism and less stress than last year. Occasionally, we receive an email or text about a potential COVID exposure, but that's no longer a big deal. You usually just take a rapid test and move on with your day. It finally feels like the pandemic may be ending, with our whole family vaccinated and continuing to update with boosters when possible. I'm disappointed with the local and nationwide vaccine rates for young children, but have simply accepted that we will make the best choices we can for our family and to do our part to keep germs from spreading in the community. We can only do so much, and can't control if other people choose to make short-sighted choices. 

Since the summer, Penny has been at a school where she is no longer required to wear a mask all day. She is happier because of it, and I am happy with it too. Earlier in the pandemic I think it was necessary, and still now when we are indoors with people we don't know. But, especially for the youngest kids who are developing critical language and social skills, I think it has been long enough that the slightly higher risk is worth it to now unmask when they are around people they see regularly. And honestly, we all knew all the kids in the same class were all exposed to each other while eating and napping without masks anyway. Penny is currently loving school, making friends, and continuing to develop her physical skills. She did fantastic and surpassed expectations with her swimming abilities this summer, she can bike without training wheels, and even sew a button onto a piece of cloth at 4 years-old. She makes us laugh every day, comes up with creative projects, and astounds us with her memory of details from past events and discussions. We have a wonderful community of neighbors that help each other out and enjoy spending time together. 

This year we have only done some road trips along the East Coast, and we have a few more coming up in October. I am looking forward to attending our first wedding since pre-pandemic times, as well as celebrating the milestones of family and friends again. We have begun the joy that is renewing Penny's passports, and hope that maybe we can travel internationally again towards the second half of next year. 

It has been a long three years. It has been a hard year after a hard year after a hard year, but the light at the end of the tunnel is visible. I also like to think that even though it has been hard, we have weathered each difficulty as it has come, and done fairly well considering. I've kept my head down and done whatever I've needed to do, and I really do think that 2023 will be a very different year for us in a lot of ways. I am looking forward to all the changes on the way. 

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