Thursday, January 10, 2019

Shut it Down

Australia had its own government shutdown once, and it never happened again

As of this writing, the current US government shutdown is the second longest ever. That's unacceptable. And, it's unacceptable that every time there is a shutdown, they don't make changes that would prevent there from ever being another one. 

Families are hurting. Some can't afford to pay their bills, feed their families, or even pay enough to transport themselves to work the jobs they aren't getting paid to do. Food inspections and travel safety at airports is falling by the wayside, and it's really just a matter of time until this results in a big problem where lives could be lost. So far, seven people (according to CNN) have died in accidents at national parks. It's hard to tell if those deaths would have happened if they had been properly staffed, but certainly having adequate staff helps in an emergency response situation. This is unacceptable. Especially because this stupid shutdown is all in the name of keeping Americans safe; it is making more people less safe in many more ways. 

As it turns out, governing by temper tantrum is not effective.

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