Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Just an average Tuesday

It's that time of the school year where I get few days of work because there are less training and planning days in the schedule. I still have some DUFF secretary stuff I can work on when I get free time, or I go to yoga, workout, or catch up on neglected chores or errands. I still try to be productive even if I'm not teaching. Michael and I are also getting ready for our trip back to the states that will last a few weeks. 

I downloaded 1 Second Everyday, an app that compiles all the short videos you add into one montage. We had a friend who did it and inspired us. It's a nice sentiment - you pick your favorite moment of the day to memorialize, however big or small that moment might be. It encourages you to savour the little things. At some point I will probably post my amalgamation. 

Walking Dead spoiler alert...
What can I say? We all knew this was a possibility. Part of me is glad they've stuck to the comic as much as they have, with some surprises. I think they should have killed Abraham off at the end of last season instead of doing the cliffhanger, but then killed off Glenn at the beginning of the season premiere. Either way, both characters will be missed tremendously, but there had to be a big turning point for the show to go in the direction it's going to go. If they wimped out and didn't kill off major characters, the show would be disappointing. It's the same line that Game of Thrones walks. Anyway, it's nice to have the show back again.

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