Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Terrigal Towel

Michael and I played in the Terrigal Towel Hat beach ultimate tournament over the weekend. His team came in first and mine came in third. For the record, though, my team beat his.

We both played considerably well this weekend; it was possibly my best tournament ever, and it appears nobody got pictures of any our amazing throws and catches. Seriously, I got about five layout scores and not one person has a picture of any of them. How is that possible? Come on! 

We ended up staying in a house with a group of friends and we definitely filled the hot tub past capacity. We ended the weekend with a delicious dinner with a few of our friends at Tandoori Hut, my new favorite Indian place in the Sydney area. It was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to more tournaments this month. 

Other recent events? 

- A frisbee couple we know had a going away/art party which ended up being a lot of fun. Anyone who wanted could donate artwork to be auctioned off for charity; the art ranged from professional-caliber to novice. Michael's ultimate frisbee sculpture made out of forks garnered $80. 

- I worked at a special needs school on Monday on an autism class of three kids that is ordinarily very difficult. Because of the regular difficulty of this class, I was given very low expectations from the principal from the get-go. The kids ended up being exceptionally behaved (compared to the usual, which apparently can include literally freaking out and screaming for hours). #winning

- We did decently well at trivia this week, but alas, not enough to place. At least we won one of the special rounds for some free drinks, thanks to my random knowledge of Alaska!

Not a bad start to the week. 

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