Thursday, July 17, 2014

Junk Food Thursday

Sometimes when Michael isn't home for dinner, instead of cooking I can't help but treat myself to Chargrill Charlies Michael is usually the voice of reason that suggests we eat healthy. When he's not here, my voice of hedonism tells me I want to eat what is delicious because I will burn off the calories either way. I do bike or walk a half hour both ways commuting to work and then I'm on my feet all day, so I really do. And even if I had a little extra fat on me to burn off in times when food isn't available, maybe I wouldn't get so hangry. Anyway, Chargrill Charlies is a 10 minute walk away and they have the best chips (fries) I've had in all of Australia (I am partial to thin cut fries). I usually also get something healthy like a salad to offset all the unhealthiness, but I'm sure it isn't a 1:1 tradeoff. Also, if the salad is a Caesar salad, which they put bacon on here, it's not really healthy at all.

I started playing in a new Wednesday night frisbee league this week, in addition to the team we play with on weekends. Our team name is Game of Thrones themed, so you can't go wrong with that. Michael would have joined too, but there was already a waitlist for men when I joined. One of the perks of playing a co-ed sport as a woman is that you are often needed. If you're a man, you're a dime a dozen. I already know a few people that play in the league, so it's nice to feel like a sophomore in the local scene rather than a freshman.

The World Cup came and went. In previous years I had been able to watch all the major games because I babysat for families that recorded and watched a lot of them. This time the only game I actually got to watch live happened when I was on my trip back to the states. Because of the time difference all the games here aired super early, usually on weekdays. The final aired at 5AM on Monday morning. The pubs opened early for all the major games, but my sleep is worth more to me than that. 

One of the joys of re-watching an old TV series like The Wonder Years is that you see lots of cameos by people who are now famous for 20 years worth of other projects. So far my favorite is realizing the gym teacher is Hornberger from 30 Rock, when he was younger and had hair.

There will probably be some upcoming changes at my work, hopefully for the better, since the director will be coming back in about two weeks. She's been away on maternity leave the entire time I've worked there. 

And that's all I've got for now. Ciao.

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