Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The Pandemic Hits Home


Just over a year into the pandemic, it finally directly touched our household. We have been lucky that we can manage, but it's really difficult with a 3-year-old. She grapples with understanding why we can't get closer to other people, she misses her friends and daycare (such a change from not wanting to go everyday), doesn't always remember to cough into her hand, and forgets to wash her hands if we don't remind her and really watch her do it. And those are all developmentally appropriate ways to act when you're three. It has also been tricky because I'm fully vaccinated, Mike is partially, and Penny is obviously not. We have to navigate different risks for each family member.

What has also been difficult is receiving conflicting information from all the contact tracers. I ultimately have given up on them, and we are just following the published CDC guidelines. It's frustrating because I want to trust the health dept., and follow what they say, as our personal responsibility to the community. However, when each person says something different, it really just tells us they have no idea what they're talking about, and aren't even properly reading their own script or formula. 

We are grateful we have family close by, since they have been able to drop off fresh bagels and homemade chicken soup and fresh fruit. Still, we are counting down the days to things being "normal", or at least pandemic normal.

No rest for the weary, I am being summoned.